Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc.

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Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc.

Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories,

Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc. and Brain Fingerprinting, LLC were founded by Dr. Larry Farwell, the inventor of Brain Fingerprinting

• Founded to provide genuine Farwell Brain Fingerprinting technology, the technology that Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc. tested and proved at the  FBI, the CIA, and the US Navy, and that was ruled admissible in court and published in the leading scientific journals

• Obtained contracts with major national government agencies in the USA and overseas

• Has been granted the worldwide exclusive license for Dr. Farwell’s patented Brain Fingerprinting Technology by Life Science and Technology, LLC, the patent holder

• Our experts are personally trained by Dr. Farwell

• Our experts are fully trained, qualified, credentialed, and certified

• Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc. technology meets the established, published Brain
Fingerprinting Scientific Standards

• Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc. has unique, proven expertise in applying Brain Fingerprinting in solving major crimes

Brain Fingerprinting technology is offered only through Dr. Farwell’s companies, Brain Fingerprinting
Laboratories, Inc. and Brain Fingerprinting, LLC, and their authorized affiliates.

Caveat Emptor: Companies in the US and India falsely claim to offer Brain Fingerprinting technology and to be associated with Dr. Farwell. Dr. Farwell is not affiliated with these companies. They are not authorized to offer Brain Fingerprinting technology or training.  They do not offer technology that meets the published Brain Fingerprinting Scientific Standards.  They do not have any personnel who are properly trained, credentialed, certified, or qualified to practice Brain Fingerprinting neuroscience or to train others to do so. They have never actually sold or implemented this technology. Dr. Farwell is not affiliated with Brainwave Science, LLC or its principals, Krishna Ika and Subu Kota, and they are not authorized or qualified to offer Brain Fingerprinting technology or services.  Any misguided attempt by unqualified persons to apply such counterfeit technology in real criminal or counterterrorism cases would be a serious threat to national security and justice.
More information is available here:
Convicted Russian Spy Misrepresented His Relationship with Trump Aide Flynn and Attempted to Sell Counterfeit Brain Fingerprinting Technology

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